How to Build Your Own Sex Dungeon

BDSM is an umbrella term for a broad array of kinks. Some are easily defined, whereas others can’t quite fit a specific category. As a community, it gathers a wide range of diverse people. Although their philosophy is the same (every scene must be safe, sane, and consensual), their affinities may vastly differ.
In the spirit of diversity, some kinksters enjoy BDSM low-key, practicing it occasionally with few or no sex toys. On the other hand, there are those whose collection is so extensive that they need a room just for it. They may even be so imaginative as to turn their storage into a sex dungeon.
If you’re one of them, you may need to put reins on your creativity to direct it toward your goal. Stay tuned and let me help you build your own BDSM room.
Unfortunately, you don’t live in a BDSM-themed movie, and you probably can’t pick the place for your dungeon out of a hat. There are several factors you have to consider. Your affinities, the BDSM furniture you (intend to) have, and ultimately, your budget will determine the space you need (and can afford).
If you’re in a long-term relationship, the planning stage of the process (and every other) doesn’t depend solely on you. You ought to openly talk to your partner about your wishes and take theirs into account. The gear is secondary, as BDSM is primarily about communication and the safe, sane, and consensual philosophy.
However, in case you’re single, the only thing that may hold you back is the lack of funds. Apart from that, you’re free to choose both the setting and the equipment yourself. This is the moment to truly let your imagination wander. Not only do you get to design the dungeon according to your current preferences, but you can also set the stage for the kinks you have yet to try.
Finally, you can either have a private sex room you’ll share only with your partner, or you can turn your dungeon into an exclusive BDSM club. The number of guests depends solely on your affinities (and your relationship status). Whether you’re monogamous or polyamorous, you can design the room accordingly.
Setting the Mood
Choosing the space for your dungeon according to your preferences and budget is the most important part of the process. However, designing it is what sets its tone, mood, and atmosphere. Your own sex club should reflect your inner kinkster, so you need to pay special attention to its interior.
Although the term dungeon is generally associated with a dark place beneath the ground level, as the dungeon master, you get to decide how dark (or light) it’ll be. Moreover, you should carefully choose the color of the walls as it can either expand or shrink the space visually.
In order to design the room the way you’ve imagined it, you ought to pick the theme before you have the actual work done. Once again, your dungeon will be a reflection of yourself, so think about the impression you want to leave on your visitor(s). Do you want to be perceived as girly or sexy, sophisticated or crude?
Designing Your Room
You may have thought that choosing the theme ends the designing process, but it only sets the stage for it. Your dungeon will be a sex room and a storage space at the same time, so you’ll need to figure out how to store your sex toys. Will you have a closet? Will it be transparent? Do you want shelves stacked with items you want to have at hand at any moment?
As for the furniture, you have a broad array of options to choose from. If you’ll have a bed, the best choice would be the one with a metal frame to which you can attach handcuffs. Depending on the size of the room, you may be able to install several different sex swings — from the roof-mounted harness to the one with stands, as well as a spanking bench. However you want your dungeon to look, it’s best to start from the furniture and work your way down to accessories.
Details: Decorate Your Dungeon
Now that you’ve chosen the theme of your dungeon and furnished it, it’s time you paid attention to details. Even though it won’t be your place of living, the room still represents an important part of your personality. Not only should you feel “at home” in it, but its interior should also set the mood for your visitor(s).
Accessorizing your dungeon will have an impact on both its style and functionality. For instance, although you’ll have a storage space such as a closet, the room will appear more like a sex dungeon if you show off some of your toys. You can install metal hooks along the walls and hang your floggers, whips, and restraints from them. Additionally, you can use mannequins to put your costumes, masks, and jewelry on display.
In case you’re an exhibitionist, you can align a wall with mirrors or put one above the bed. For an extra kinky effect, adorn the furniture and doors with metal handles. Not all the pieces in the dungeon have to have a practical purpose — if you’re an artistic soul, make sure the room reflects that side of you as well.
Make Your Dungeon a Safe Place
However extreme it may seem, BDSM is about safety (the SSC principle must never be overlooked). Nevertheless, establishing a safe word may not be enough. The truth is, BDSM play can pose a risk to a participant’s physical and emotional well-being alike. That’s why it’s paramount not to disregard the importance of aftercare.
For you and your visitor(s) to enjoy your dungeon to the fullest, you need to make it a safe place. While BDSM furniture and accessories are the first things that come to mind in regard to designing a sex room, you ought to have a first-aid kit at hand too. If there’s enough room left once you’ve furnished your dungeon, you can also put a massage table or a comfortable piece of furniture in there.
Final Thoughts
BDSM play is a good way to spice up your sex life, but a sex room takes the experience to a whole new level. Having a BDSM dungeon is, without a doubt, exciting, but it’s also a great responsibility. However, if you take safety as well as your budget and preferences into account before putting your plan into action, you have no reason for worry.